Wednesday 23 June 2021

Leeds Portrait Photographer creating stunning photography to enhance you brand Image

Are you planning to launch a new apparel and sports accessories business or preparing to launch a completely new clothing brand? Its time to employ an award-winning, creative photographer. Creating stunning sports fitness photography for the launch of your new collection! Finding someone who can help you with beautifully created photography is the way to go. Finding someone to catch the spirit of your beautifully branded apparel line and deliver beautiful photograpy. In this post, we'll have a look at the main reasons why recruiting a talented portrait photographer is critical for your clothing brand in Leeds.

·       High-Quality Images

If you employ a skilled photographer to shoot your products rather than attempting to do so yourself, you can always expect the highest quality results. It goes without saying that the equipment matters to take great photos. Hiring an expert photographer using state-of-the-art equipmentwill give you assured results. Breathtaking photographs that will not only inspire you but, most importantly, your potential clients.

·       On site or studio

A talented portrait photographer in Leeds will talk to you about your clothing line's photographic requirements and needs. Do you want to shoot the apparel withmannequins or real life models on location., or prefer to get all of the shots taken in a studio? Whatever your needs we can provide facilities/services to take the most breathtaking photographs. The shoot is bespoke to you and will be delivered the right solution.

·       Working together on your brand

With experience comes a real ability to focus on what is important to you and deliver powerful work, on time and on budget. After an initial call, moodboards are produced with timings, schuedulesetc to ensure a smooth shoot day. Everything is outlined so nothing is forgotten. Pride in doing a good job is paramount.

If you would you like to hear more about the advantages of hiring a skilled portrait photographer to shoot your clothing line in Leeds then contact me for assistance.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Advantages of Professional Photography for Your Fitness Business & Brand

Would you like stunning photography to market your fitness business and brand online? In a world where quality photography are vital, you need to stand out of the crowd. Website and social media first impressions count. People are by nature visual creatures so it’s becoming hugely more important to use top-quality photography for your website marketing strategy. Keep reading to find out why you should be investing in professional photography for your fitness business.


Being successful in present your business well is paramount. Poor quality photography will stand out like a sore thumb to your potential clients. It may seem easier to snap away with your mobile phone, however, a point worthy of note is a professional photo will dramatically increase your business’ profits. Professional photographers understand light and composition giving your company and brand the look it needs.

Stand Out from the Crowd

If you want to compete with other businesses and brands, you need to find a way to become the company of choice for your customers. Stock images or low-quality amateurish photos reflect badly on you and your business. If you are skimping on photography, you could lose out on customers? Original contemporary photography is favoured hugely over stock images by most search engines. For example, Google is configured to value unique content more than reposted items. Something very important to consider for your business.

Encourage Exposure

Great photography for any online presence is essential to seize the attention of the viewer. Displaying professionally taken images beside your social media posts encourages your target audience to become more engaged. The engagement will allow you to grow your presence organically. Professional photos will give your brand the edge and people love to associate themselves with a notable brand.

If you are looking for benefits to push your brand as mentioned above, then hire Col Morley, an experienced fitness photographer with a real passion to create stunning photography that works for your brand. His aim always is based on the quality of work. He works to the highest standards and never creates anything he’s is not proud to show. His repeat client work and ever-expanding client list is something he is very proud of.

Thursday 20 May 2021

Know How The Portrait Photography Can Enhance Brand Image

Are you planning to launch a new apparel and accessories business or preparing to launch a completely new clothing brand? Without award-winning, inspiring photography, it's impossible to launch a perfect new collection! If you aren't a talented photographer, finding someone who can help you with beautifully done photography is a good idea. It's impossible to catch the spirit of a beautifully branded apparel line and business without it. In this article, we'll have a look at the top reasons why recruiting a talented portrait photographer is critical for your clothing brand in Leeds.

High-Quality Images

If you employ a skilled photographer to shoot your merchandise rather than attempting to do so yourself, you can always expect the photographer to use a high-quality camera. It can go without saying that the better the lens, the better the photos. Thus, it is always a great idea to focus on hiring an expert photographer and their state-of-the-art camera if you'd like to be assured incredible, breathtaking photographs that will not only inspire you but, most importantly, your potential clients.

Amazing Studio Setup

A talented portrait photographer in Leeds will talk to you about your clothing line's photographic wants and needs. Do you want to shoot the apparel line out and have the real models display the garments? Or would you prefer to get all of the shots taken in a studio? A professional is equipped with cutting-edge technology, equipment, and the necessary facilities to take the most breathtaking photographs. If you want to get your clothing line photographed in a studio, you would have access to a professionally fitted environment that includes proper lighting, appropriate scenery, and so much more.

Work Out On Your Vision

Since photographers are creative, possessing an artistic mind and a talent for understanding what looks beautiful what doesn't is among the most important requirements. A fantastic photographer would be invested in the overall vision you have towards your clothing line's photography.

Would you like to hear more about the various advantages of hiring a skilled portrait photographer to shoot your clothing line in Leeds? If yes, then make sure that you contact us at for help and assistance.

Monday 12 April 2021

How can photography take your Activewear Brand to New Heights?

We all know that photography plays a very important role in advertising the products of a brand. It is a way of communication that helps companies create a powerful impact on their potential customers by conveying their vision. If we consider ourselves, only those images capture our eyes, which tell the story; hence, you must approach a creative and skilled photographer for that purpose. So, we have mentioned few justifiable reasons to hire a professional photographer, which will undoubtedly help your sports and activewear photography bind the viewers to your brand.

·       Creates an Impression

We all very well aware of the importance that “first impression” holds! Likewise, a good image can immensely impact the viewers, which can gradually turn them into customers. Since photography possesses such power, you should make it the voice of your brand!

·       Helps to Reach Wide Mass in No Time:

Doubtlessly, it is much quicker than the long texts, which people usually avoid reading. Hence, if you invest your time and money in capturing mind-boggling images, it would help you get a good response in lesser time. Moreover, with the help of social media, you can outspread your Sportswear and activewear photography, which would gain you wide coverage.

·       A Medium to Convey and Connect:

Images can connect with the audience. You can make your audience feel the emotions you want them according to your brand’s vision for a specific product.

·       Helps to Gain Customer’s Confidence:

Photography can help you to gain recognition and brand trust. If you keep your websites well-kept with quality and beautiful images, customers will rely on your brand. Moreover, regular exposure to such visuals on different platforms will make them recognize your brand pretty easily.

Now, you must have got that how images can help your brand to get skyrocketed! Since sports and activewear photography needs to be such that it holds energetic and powerful visuals, you need an adept photographer. Well, we have made that easier, too! Click on to get your story captured on immaculate lenses!!

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Why should you go for portrait photography for your business?

One thing that is generally overlooked by most businesses is the importance of a good portrait photograph, or you can call a headshot. Well, it can be a daunting and awkward task to go through the motions of applying the images of yourself on the website of your company. You may feel self-conscious and embarrassed. Getting a perfect portrait photo is essential as this is the best way to showing your face to the world. So, it is advisable to hire a professional Portrait Photographer in Yorkshire for this. Now, let’s discuss about some benefits of using portrait photography. 

 It can develop trust

Remember that people love to know who they are doing business with. You will feel more comfortable when you can apply a face to a name. This can be done by using portrait photography. By using an image of your staff or yourself on the website of your company, you are offering people a face to associate with the brand. That will develop a personal feeling, and as a result, you will be able to develop trust. Hire a Portrait Photographer in Yorkshire and create a perfect portrait.  

It shows an excellent level of commitment

By putting the face on behalf of your brand, you are creating a perfect statement. That statement is you believe in your business enough to link your personal data and identity to your business. This is not a small thing.  When you put your portrait on the website, you are taking full responsibility for your brand. When things go wrong, people will have a face to blame. When you use portraits, you are telling others that your business is running by a human. Besides, you are letting others contact you whenever they have some queries.  

Are you looking for a highly experienced and reputed Portrait Photographer in Yorkshire who can offer you professional photography services at the best prices? Well, don’t look here and there and get in touch with Col Morley, a professional photographer. To know her fees and hire services, you can get in touch with her through Col Morley - Photographer.

Sunday 1 November 2020

Why you need a Corporate Headshot Photographer for your company.

Every Business needs to set an impression to its customers for their sales and marketing. Whether they are High-quality images of the employees doing work in the company or simply the beautiful shots of your business products, you show the human side of your company to the world and reinforce the value of your brand.That’s when you need a Corporate Headshot Photographer for your company.  It is a branch of photography that fulfills the needs of the business world and captures the high-quality images of the company’s staff and facilities.

Need for Corporate Headshot Photographers

These photographers are responsible for capturing and conveying the company’s reputation and 

ethics through beautifully composed images. Headshots are basically those photos that focus on the face. To add a personal touch to the company, businesses generally like to put headshots of their employees and it is basically used everywhere like on websites, portfolios, and all over the social media platforms. 

Their demand is rising as the social media presence of people is also becoming high and your business needs to make a good first impression. That are also other reasons for their increasing demand. Let us see: -

Improves Brand image

- Make your company look respectable and professional which in turn will improve brand image

- Display the natural, candid shot of employees to show a relatable side for the customers and promote the company.

Invoke sympathy through the photos

- It can make a potential customer comfortable and being able to trust your company and choose it over another.

Put your Employees in their best light

- A corporate headshot photographer can build an image of the Employees that will put the trust and identity of the company which is more important to build a genuine impression of the company.

Presentation of the company and its products

- An effective way of showing and educating the clients about your company.

- Reach out to potential customers and more clients

Stand out from the crowd

- Show them the right reasons to choose your company and not the others.

- Show them the human side of your company and reflect the values and standards.

Thus, there is no doubt why hiring a Corporate headshot photographer for your company can be a great idea for the growth of the company. Visit for more details. 

Saturday 3 October 2020

4 Reasons Why Having A Professional Portrait Is Critical To Your Business

 Fitting corporate portraits propose honesty and professionalism. They can inspire confidence and consistency in some industries. With some, the images project other values, such as originality and imagination. 

In short, getting fantastic headshots done by portrait photographer in Yorkshire are more relevant than ever. Here's why you need one for yourself ASAP.


As much as we want to think that individuals are looking for the merit in others and it’s what that’s inside counts most, we ought to be practical. 

Those who look the most put together and appealing get the maximum exposure— It's a harsh reality that is even backed by scientific studies. A professional portrait will benefit you since a highly qualified photographer will work with you to get the best angles and poses so that you get to put your best expression forward.

Stand out

You would like to stand out in a competitive market. Whenever your picture is seen, you would want to present a well put together high-quality image; it immediately imparts you an edge over those who used a cell-phone snapshot or a mediocre aged image.

Look professional

Your portrait should represent the essence of your industry. If you're a lawyer in London, a portrait out of your mobile won't cut it. The same applies to academicians, real estate brokers, auditors, executives and healthcare experts. Looking competent means hiring a professional portrait photographer in Yorkshire to do the needful. 

Cohesive Branding

For individuals, small companies and big corporates alike, you want your branding to be consistent. That awesome website design looks amazing until you hit the profile page and see an obsolete profile picture or selfie. Your branding needs to be cohesive. This is essential for professionals or small businesses since you are your brand. Demonstrating that you value your brand means putting your best foot forward, ensuring that you don't cut corners.

If you are looking for a professional and experienced portrait photographer in Yorkshire or its vicinity, visit us now at

Leeds Portrait Photographer creating stunning photography to enhance you brand Image

Are you planning to launch a new apparel and sports accessories business or preparing to launch a completely new clothing brand? Its time to...